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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 2004

usa-v-ssy-15.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 6         June 30, 2004
usa-v-ssy-14.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 5         June 29, 2004

usa-v-ssy-13.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 4         June 28, 2004
turkey-tale.htm       Turkey, Drugs, Faustian Alliances, Sibel Edmonds June 28, 2004
eac062804.txt         US Sets Up Trustworthy-Voting Machine Panel      June 28, 2004
dhs062804.txt         HomeSec Dept Semi-Annual Agenda                  June 28, 2004
doj062804.txt         DoJ Semi-Annual Agenda                           June 28, 2004

dos062804.txt         State Dept Semi-Annual Agenda                    June 28, 2004
aurora-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Aurora Pulsed Radiation Simulator     June 27, 2004
garda-bush.htm        Garda Killer Ready for Bush at the EC-US Summit  June 25, 2004
hr108-558.txt         House Report on Intelligence Funding             June 25, 2004
doj062504.txt         DoJ Hot for Child Porn Record Keeping            June 25, 2004

usace062504.txt       Army Sets Security Zone at Newport Base          June 25, 2004
secret.htm            Mirror of UK Non-Secrets Removed by Hysteria     June 24, 2004
usa-v-ssy-12.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 3         June 24, 2004
terror-click.htm      Terrorism Information Is One Click Away          June 24, 2004
uscg062404.txt        Coast Guard Security Zone for DC July 4th        June 24, 2004

usa-v-ssy-11.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 2         June 23, 2004
dhs062104.htm         New Global Standards to Boost Maritime Security  June 23, 2004
lynne-stewart.htm     Lawyer Sees Fear of Terrorism as Obstacle        June 22, 2004
usa-v-ssy-10.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 1         June 22, 2004
usa-v-ssy-09.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Pre-Trial Day 9     June 22, 2004

usa-v-ssy-08.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Pre-Trial Day 8     June 22, 2004
gao-04-894t.htm       GAO: DOE Nuclear Materials Still at Risk         June 22, 2004
bis062204.htm         Choking Fidel 2                                  June 22, 2004
paul-johnson.htm      Paul Johnson Beheaded Photos   Four Dead         June 21, 2004
osp-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the DoD Office of Special Plans       June 21, 2004

hiibel-loses.htm      Larry Hiibel Loses to Divided US Supremes        June 21, 2004
dhs061804.htm         DHS: No-Risk Anti-terrorism Tech Boondoggle      June 21, 2004
dod-homespy.htm       Proposed Homeland Spying by Defense Dept         June 19, 2004
don061804.txt         Want Free Carriers, Sub, Cruiser, Destroyers?    June 19, 2004
pn061604.txt          Prez Huffs on Rogue Russian Nuclear Material     June 19, 2004

fac061604.htm         Choking Fidel                                    June 16, 2004
passport-jam.htm      Technology Thwarts Passport Biometric Plan       June 16, 2004
boil-frog.htm         Beijing Boil Frog Architecture                   June 15, 2004
mi6-sd36.htm          On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Uncensored     June 15, 2004
nuradin-abdi.htm      Nuradin Abdi Charged in Mall Bomb Plot           June 15, 2004

garda-alert.htm       Website Wackos Spark Garda Security Alert        June 14, 2004
opm061404.txt         Feds Info Sec Responsibilities                   June 14, 2004
whinsec061404.txt     Ghost School of the Americas Meet                June 14, 2004
ncstac061404.txt      WTC Construction Safety Meet                     June 14, 2004
air32-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Thirty-Six US Airports                June 13, 2004

ames-apes.htm         Aldrich Ames Apes                                June 13, 2004
david-rupert.jpg      David Rupert, IRA Supergrass                     June 13, 2004
portlaoise.jpg        Portlaoise, Ireland's Highest Security Prison    June 13, 2004
gardai-covert.jpg     Gardai SDU/ERU Undercover                        June 12, 2004
terror-error.htm      Errors in 2003 US Terrorism Report               June 11, 2004

fbi-telnum.htm        FBI Field Office Telephone Numbers               June 11, 2004
usa-v-hicks.htm       USA v. David Hicks, AU Guantanamo Detainee       June 10, 2004         CIA Chiefs of Station Brasil and Argentina       June 10, 2004
bandar-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Prince Bandar Residence           June 9, 2004
sb-sop.htm            Special Branch Surveillance Procedures           June 9, 2004

g8-airsec.htm         G8 High on International Travel Security         June 9, 2004
itc060804.txt         Probe of Imported Worm, Virus Detectors          June 8, 2004
fcc060804.txt         FCC Gives Channel 16 to NYC Public Safety        June 8, 2004
fcc060804-2.txt       Use of N11 Dial Codes for Pipeline Safety        June 8, 2004
epa060804.txt         WTC Environmental Experts Hearing                June 8, 2004

mil-dead-060404.jpg   Photos: US Soldiers Killed in Attack             June 7, 2004
wmd060704.txt         WMD Commission Secret Meet                       June 7, 2004
osd060704.txt         Army Amputee Care Program Board                  June 7, 2004
dsb060704.txt         National Ignition Facility Secret Meet           June 7, 2004
doe060704.txt         Transfer of Nuclear Materials to France          June 7, 2004

dnfsb060704.txt       Oversight of High-Hazard Nuke Operations         June 7, 2004
dhs060704.txt         Ft Dietrick Bio Security Lab EIS                 June 7, 2004
boneyard2.jpg         Eyeballing US Warplane Graveyard 2               June 6, 2004
boneyard1.jpg         Eyeballing US Warplane Graveyard 1               June 6, 2004
nukedump.jpg          Eyeballing Burial of Submarine Reactors          June 6, 2004

wtc060604.jpg         World Trade Center D-Day 6 June 2004             June 6, 2004
jimmy-carter.htm      Navy to Launch Spy Submarine Jimmy Carter        June 4, 2004
nmic2-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the National Maritime Intel Center 2  June 4, 2004
bpm060404.txt         Exports for Sat Launch from Oil Platform         June 4, 2004
alq-waterfront.htm    Defeat al Qaeda on the Waterfront                June 4, 2004

houston-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing the Houston Ship Channel              June 2, 2004
padilla-sum.htm       Summary of Allegations Against Joseph Padilla    June 2, 2004
tsa060104.txt         TSA to Test Registered Traveler Program          June 1, 2004
uscg060104.txt        Coast Guard Sets Covert New York Security Zone   June 1, 2004
us-eu-pnr.htm         US-EU Passenger Name Record Agreement Signed     May 31, 2004

O f f s i t e 

CIAnon                CIA's Anonymous Identified /D                    June 30, 2004
GAO-04-902R           GAO: Resources for Rebuilding Iraq               June 29, 2004
SP800-68              NIST Issues Win XP Security Guide                June 29, 2004
Civ Dead              Civilian/Contractors Killed in Iraq /W           June 28, 2004

ISOO                  Head of Secrecy Panel Warns of Excess /L         June 24, 2004
Kim Murder            Kim Sun-il Beheading Video /B                    June 23, 2004
PortSec               Martime and Port Security Standards Fact Sheet   June 23, 2004
DoD Docs              DoD Interrogation Documents                      June 22, 2004
Kill Bill             Let the Patriot Act Die /R                       June 21, 2004

WTC Report            NIST Progress Report on WTC Collapse /D          June 19, 2004
DoJ Throbs            Thomas White Homes Eyed for Foreign Sex          June 19, 2004
INC                   Cheap IQ Intel /R                                June 17, 2004
Site R                Sadlynodick /S                                   June 17, 2004
911 HomeDef           911 Commission Report 17 On Homeland Defense     June 17, 2004

M2M                   Moon to Mars: US Space Initiative Report         June 17, 2004
M2M PR                Moon to Mars Press Release                       June 17, 2004
911 Plot              911 Commission Report 16 Outline of 9/11 Plot    June 16, 2004
911 Enemy             911 Commission Report 15 Overview of the Enemy   June 16, 2004
GAO-04-880T           GAO Examines the UN Oil for Food Program         June 16, 2004

ECSI                  Electronic Crime Scene Investigation /G          June 16, 2004
DoJ Vile              DoJ August 2002 Memo on Interrogation Torture /D June 14, 2004
Coup                  Thomas Powers: Bush Coup Against US /D           June 14, 2004
Shit Hole             Portlaoise Prison Inspection Report              June 13, 2004
Jacob                 Video of Robert Jacob Murder /G                  June 13, 2004

CACI 1                CACI Denies Al Rawi Complaint /P                 June 11, 2004
CACI 2                CACI Denies Abu Ghraib Complaints /P             June 11, 2004
RFID                  RFID Clubbing /T                                 June 11, 2004
Titan                 Al Rawi v. Titan and CACI Complaint /G           June 11, 2004
SP800-60              NIST: Mapping Information to Security Categories June 10, 2004

DoDeath               DoD Sets Detainee Death Investigation Procedures June 10. 2004
EU Plans              New EU anti-terrorism plans /T                   June 9, 2004
EU List               EU Terrorist List Update /T                      June 9, 2004
Sharks                DoJ Memo on Lawful Torture /D/F                  June 9, 2004
Net Mind              The Mentality Of Homo interneticus /M            June 9, 2004

192 Subs              US Nuclear Submarine List                        June 8, 2004
Dutch                 The Stupidity of Ronald Reagan /M                June 8, 2004
Going Down            Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House /D   June 4, 2004
GAO-04-503            Universities Caving to Copyright Bandits         June 4, 2004
NPS                   Bibliography on Terrorism                        June 3, 2004

TB Roach              COMINT Collection and Analysis /T                June 2, 2004
NSA Buys              NSA Doubled Spending in Four Years /A            June 2, 2004
GAO-04-321            Cybersec for Critical Infrastructure Protection  June 2, 2004
Nuke Sec              Securing the Bomb                                June 2, 2004
The Draft             164,000 National Guard and Reserve Drafted       June 2, 2004

MAY 2004

nyt-wmd.htm           NYT Pushing WMD or Mass Distraction?             May 30, 2004
joe-buck.htm          Joe (Buck) Haughey Special Branch Informer       May 29, 2004      Abu Hamza Indictment                             May 28, 2004
think-threat.htm      Dangerous Philosophy: Threat, Risk, and Security May 28, 2004
doj052804-2.txt       Gov-Edu-Biz Gang to Develop Murder Weapons       May 28, 2004

pp7791.txt            Presidential Prayer for Peace                    May 28, 2004
doj052804.txt         Cyber Security Industry Alliance                 May 28, 2004
nec-fraud.htm         NEC Fined $20.6 Million for E-Rate Fraud         May 27, 2004
usa-v-ssy-07.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 7         May 27, 2004
fac052704.txt         Mother of All Terrorist/Outlaw Lists             May 27, 2004

uscg052704.txt        Coast Guard Sets Top Sec for WW2 Memorial Do     May 27, 2004
RIAA-CEA.htm          RIAA and CEA Duel on Digital Radio Gag           May 26, 2004
usa-v-ssy-06.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 6         May 26, 2004
unyric-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Upstate NY Regional Intel Center  May 25, 2004
usa-v-ssy-05.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al, Trial Day 5         May 25, 2004

dos052104.htm         Terrorist List Includes The Pentagon Gang        May 25, 2004
uscg052504.txt        Coast Sets More Security for G8 Summit           May 25, 2004
fda052504.txt         Beware Carcinogenic Veterinary Drugs in Food     May 25, 2004          RIAA and CEA Duel On Digital Radio Gag           May 24, 2004
usa-v-ssy-dt.htm      USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al Trial Transcripts    May 24, 2004

usa-v-ssy-dkt.htm     USA v. Lynne Stewart, et al Court Docket         May 24, 2004
garda-ham.htm         Garda Ham: It Happened in November               May 23, 2004
usml052104.txt        US Munitions List Revisions                      May 21, 2004
usgc052104.txt        Coast Guard Security for Democratic Convention   May 21, 2004
special-branch2.htm   Photos of Special Branch-Irish Secret Police 2   May 21, 2004

special-branch.htm    Photos of Special Branch-Irish Secret Police     May 20, 2004
32cfr159a-80.txt      DoD Oversight of Special Access Programs         May 20, 2004
bush-sap.htm          Bush Denies Oversight of Special Access Programs May 19, 2004
tsa051804.txt         Maritime Security Measures Secrecy               May 18, 2004
dos051804.txt         US Enemies: EU and Rogues                        May 18, 2004

mcc051404.txt         US Friends                                       May 18, 2004
dsb051804.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet                May 18, 2004         MP Guide to Handling Prisoners of War/Internees  May 17, 2004
ar380-381.htm         Special Access Programs and Sensitive Activities May 17, 2004
tapac-privacy.htm     DoD Privacy Panel Recommends More Protection     May 17, 2004

pitac051704.txt       Prez Info Tech Panel Meet                        May 17, 2004
sap-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Stephen Cambone/SAP                   May 15, 2004
calea-audit.htm       Audit of FBI Implementation of CALEA Wiretap     May 14, 2004
dod051404.htm         DoD Dumb Dumber Dumbest Interrogations Briefing  May 14, 2004
eop051304.txt         WMD Intelligence Panel Secret Meet               May 13, 2004

hud051204.txt         HUD Notice on WTC Memorial                       May 13, 2004
epa051204.txt         RFC on Transuranic Waste Disposal                May 13, 2004
bis051204.txt         Charlie Kuan Gets Punched for CN Exports         May 13, 2004
icrc-report.htm       Red Cross Report on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse (Full)  May 12, 2004
bop-abuse.htm         Detainee Abuse in US Federal Prison              May 11, 2004

insurgency.htm        Call for Insurgency                              May 10, 2004
interr-man.htm        Interrogation Manual                             May 10, 2004
cia-decrypt.htm       Cryptologists Decrypt CIA Memo to Bush           May 9, 2004
lanl-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Los Alamos National Laboratory        May 8, 2004
ubl-video-docs.htm    Missing Bin Laden Docs on Illegal Videotaping    May 7, 2004

fda050704.txt         Targeting Anthrax and Toxins Workshop            May 7, 2004
epa050704.txt         WTC Expert Panel on Environmental Hazards Meet   May 7, 2004
nara050704.txt        NARA Records Availability Schedule               May 7, 2004
ag050404.htm          Ashcroft Warns of Corrupt Government Elsewhere   May 6, 2004
ustr050304.htm        2004 Report on Intellectual Property Protection  May 6, 2004

bis050604.txt         Export Controls of Protective Gear/NatSec        May 6, 2004
dsb050604.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               May 6, 2004
irs050604.txt         IRS to Try Encryption for E-Filing               May 6, 2004
treas050604.txt       Terrorism Insurance Litigation Management        May 6, 2004
caci-jobs-iq.htm      CACI Interrogator Jobs in Iraq                   May 6, 2004

iraqis-shot.htm       Film Shows Iraqis Being Shot Dead by US Copter   May 5, 2004
tsa050504.txt         TSA Offers Port Security Grants                  May 5, 2004
uscg050404.txt        Coast Guard Sets WW2 Memorial Security Zone      May 5, 2004
bis050404.txt         Missile Control/CWC Regime Revisions             May 5, 2004
ostp050404.txt        High Energy Density Physics Workshop             May 5, 2004

epa050404.txt         Transuranic Radioactive Waste Disposal Docs      May 5, 2004
army-report.htm       US Army Report on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse           May 4, 2004
sfo-biosensor.htm     SFO Airport Has Livermore Bioweapon Sensor       May 4, 2004
usuk-pukewar.htm      George and Tony's Hard Puke War Not Easy         May 3, 2004
cdc050304.txt         Exposure Limits for Chemical Warfare Agents      May 3, 2004

usgs050304.txt        RFC on Geospatial Data Security Concerns         May 3, 2004
fda050304.txt         Bioterrorism of Imported Food                    May 3, 2004
dhs050304.txt         Call for Members of Homeland Data Privacy Panel  May 3, 2004
don050304.txt         Navy Offers Puerto Rico Toxic Base               May 3, 2004
barkbig-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing Barksdale Nuclear Weapons Storage May 1, 2004

O f f s i t e 

Doe Gag               John Doe Gagged by National Security Letter/O    May 31, 2004
PRC Mil               DoD Assays China's Military Power                May 30, 2004
CNR                   Titan/SAIC's Center for National Response /A     May 30, 2004

NFPA 1600             Disaster/Emergency Management Standard           May 28, 2004
TAPAC                 Privacy Threat of Military Data Mining           May 27, 2004
GAO-04-548            Privacy Threat of Federal Data Mining            May 27, 2004            
SP800-67              Recommendation for Triple DEA Block Cipher       May 25, 2004
TPR                   The Photographer's Rights /M                     May 24, 2004

RIAA JD               RIAA Wants to Lockdown Digital Radio /J          May 24, 2004
JD Muse               JD Muses on RIAA Digital Radio Lockdown          May 24, 2004
Mossad                Mossad Sets up Web Site /B                       May 24, 2004
AK                    Planes Are For Flying Not Spying /B              May 24, 2004
Gertie                Gertrude: Worldwide Intelligence Portal /G       May 23, 2004

SB Pix                Probe of Special Branch Photos /S                May 23, 2004
Burn                  Burned Villages of Kurdistan /F                  May 23, 2004
FCO                   UK Foreign Office Iraq Strategy /B               May 23, 2004
Rendition             US Prisoners from Sweden to Egypt for Torture/T  May 22, 2004
PNR                   EU And US Reach Passenger Data Deal /T           May 22, 2004

Cryptome              Cryptome Anti Matter Production                  May 22, 2004
WTC Rip               Ground Zero Funds Misused /D                     May 22, 2004
GAO-04-785T           GAO: Challenges in Using Biometric Technologies  May 19, 2004
HMG Crypto            CESG Advanced Cryptography                       May 19, 2004
CESG Pubs             CESG Publications                                May 19, 2004

Alex                  Gulf Veteran Hunger Striker Alex Izett /F        May 18, 2004
Gitit                 DoD Sets Gitmo Prisoner Review Process           May 18, 2004
AR530-1               Operations and Signal Security                   May 17, 2004
Graner                Charges Against Sergeant Charles Graner /B       May 15, 2004
TGZ                   Seymour Hersh: The Gray Zone /D                  May 15, 2004

TIDES                 DARPA World Press Reports /P                     May 14, 2004
UK ID                 UK Identity Card Conference /I                   May 13, 2004
TCP                   Torture, the CIA and the Press /P                May 12, 2004
UP                    Usable Privacy and Security Software Workshop    May 12, 2004
ICRC                  Red Cross Report on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse /J      May 11, 2004

DoD Purge             Military Times Calls for DoD Leadership Sack /D  May 10, 2004
PGT 03                Patterns of Global Terrorism 2003                May 10, 2004
CoC                   Seymour Hersh: Chain of Command                  May 9, 2004
Dark Taps             US FISA Report 2003 /S                           May 8, 2004
FBI Dogs              FBI Hounds U Texas-Student FOIA Requester /J     May 7, 2004

AC                    Acoustic Cryptanalysis /A                        May 7, 2004
GAO-04-202T           GAO: Privatizing NatSec Harms Security           May 6, 2004
CIFA                  Defense Counterintelligence Field Activity       May 5, 2004
FM34-52               Intelligence Interrogation /W                    May 5, 2004
Taps                  US Wiretap Report 2003 /J                        May 5, 2004

SP800-58              NIST: Security for Voice Over IP Systems         May 4, 2004
AOK                   CACI: No DoD Complaint About Prisoner Abuse /V   May 4, 2004
UVNF                  Urban Vulnerability And Network Failure /J       May 4, 2004
CSPMD                 Cyber Security Political-Military Dimensions /P  May 4, 2004
Map Sec               Guidelines for Geospatial Data Sensitivity       May 3, 2004

QLR                   Shame of Abuse by Brit Troops /S                 May 2, 2004
Mil Cops              Seymour Hersh: Torture at Abu Ghraib /S          May 2, 2004
SNM Insec             Insecurity of Sensitive Nuclear Material         May 1, 2004
WMD Insec             Insecurity of USAF Nuclear Weapons Storage       May 1, 2004
7000 WMDs             US Nuclear Forces, 2004                          May 1, 2004

APRIL 2004

eo13335.txt           Prez Order on National Health Info Technology    April 30, 2004
dos043004.txt         Clean Diamonds Participants                      April 30, 2004
irs043004.txt         IRS to Hide Money-Laundering Investigations      April 30, 2004

wsoc-detrick.htm      Satellite Communications Operations Center       April 30, 2004
50-to-blair.htm       50 Former Ambassadors' Letter to Blair           April 30, 2004
dpb042904.txt         DoD 769 Wardead Lovers Secret Meets              April 29, 2004
bis042904.txt         Commerce Control List/Wassenaar Implementation   April 29, 2004
bis042904-2.txt       Exports to Libya Reopened                        April 29, 2004

mcc042904.txt         Millennium Foreign Bribe Panel Meets             April 29, 2004
dos042904.txt         More Terrorists Targeted                         April 29, 2004
treas042804.txt       Medical Data May Be Barred from Financial Spying April 28, 2004
epa042804.txt         Experts Meet on WTC Lingering Hazards            April 28, 2004
usa042804.txt         US Army Patents Available                        April 28, 2004

ansar-al-islam.htm    Ansar Al-Islam, Ansar Al-Sunnah Army             April 27, 2004
ncis-cryptome.htm     Navy Investigative Agent Emails Cryptome         April 23, 2004
dover-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Dover Air Force Base                  April 23, 2004
mandela-cbw.htm       Mandela CBW Briefing Document (Top Secret)       April 22, 2004
ttic041304.htm        USG Counterterrorism Information Sharing         April 21, 2004

tempest-cm.htm        Lost Cost Tempest Countermeasures Patent         April 21, 2004
nsa-access.htm        NSA Patent for Third Party Access to Crypto Key  April 21, 2004
g8-eyeball.htm        Eyeballing the G8 Summit in Sea Island, Georgia  April 20, 2004
dk-wmd-lies.htm       Denmark Declassifies Iraq WMD Reports            April 19, 2004
plum-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Plum Island Animal Disease Center     April 19, 2004

wtc-path.htm          WTC PATH Station Debacle and Spectacle           April 17, 2004
ncs041604.txt         Telecomm Panel Secret Meet on Cybersecurity      April 17, 2004
coe041604.txt         US Army Engineers Set Security Zones             April 17, 2004
fru-shame.htm         MoD Faces Shame for Force Research Unit          April 16, 2004
nrc041504.txt         NRC on Military WMD Detection Devices            April 16, 2004

cop041504.txt         US Ocean Policy                                  April 16, 2004
nrc041404.txt         NRC on Human Factors Engineering                 April 16, 2004
istac041304.txt       InfoSec Panel Meet                               April 14, 2004
dsb041304.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet                April 14, 2004
cisco-pork.htm        Cisco Dishes Homeland Security Pork              April 14, 2004

samhsa041304.txt      Bloated Drug Testing of Feds Hair, Spit, Sweat   April 14, 2004
pdb080601.htm         PDB: Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US        April 11, 2004
gray-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Gray AFB Nuclear Weapons Storage Area April 10, 2004
aa-snitch.htm         American Airlines Disclosed Passenger Data       April 10, 2004
dhs040904.txt         HomeSec Dept Recruits Privacy Panel              April 10, 2004

fda040804.txt         FDA Study of Radio-Tagged Blood                  April 10, 2004
fcc040804.txt         FCC Inquiry on Broadband Spying Capability       April 9, 2004
uscg040804.txt        Coast Guard Sets G8 Summit Security Zones        April 9, 2004
doe040804.txt         Yucca Mountain Nuke Waste Storage Decision       April 9, 2004
nara040504.txt        Nixon/Kissinger Records Release                  April 6, 2004

tsa040504.txt         TSA Sets Transport Worker ID Database            April 6, 2004
osha040504.txt        OSHA RFC on Workplace Electrical Safety          April 6, 2004
ricebig-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing Condoleezza Rice                  April 3, 2004
rubig-eyeball.htm     Big Eyeballing the Russian Embassy in D.C.       April 3, 2004
four-eyeballs.htm     Big Eyeballing Rove, Ashcroft, Tenet             April 3, 2004

fru-cory.htm          Cory Report on the FRU Multiple Murders          April 3, 2004
bpm040204.txt         Petty Arms Bandits Hit to Protect US War Lords   April 3, 2004
usaf040204.txt        Air Force Panel Secret Meets                     April 3, 2004
ftc040104.txt         FTC Workshop: Monitoring Software on Your PC     April 3, 2004
isoo040104.txt        Information Secrecy Assurance Panel              April 3, 2004

O f f s i t e 

Net Gag               DoJ Gags ACLU on Net NatSec Lawsuit /P           April 30, 2004

Hi Mike               Secret Service Threatens Black Box Org /C        April 30, 2004
M4                    MI5 Mercenaries Means and Methods /O             April 30, 2004
BW                    US Announces Homeland Biological Protection      April 29, 2004
NCERD                 National Center for Explosion Resistant Design   April 28, 2004
UFC 4-010-01          DoD Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings        April 28, 2004

BMAG                  Blast Mitigation Action Group                    April 28, 2004
Blast                 Blast Consulting Firms                           April 28, 2004
Fences                DOD Standard Fence Drawings                      April 28, 2004
UFC 3-340-13          Chemical Hardening of New Military Facilities    April 28, 2004
WTC EIS               WTC Final Environmental Impact Statement         April 27, 2004

Wall                  Gorelick Memo Slowed Clinton Finance Probe /P    April 27, 2004
Mil Dis               US Military Disinfos Anti-Polygraph /G           April 22, 2004
RFID Art              Sniper Rifle Implants RFID in Target /I          April 17, 2004
UN-SAFECOM            GAO: US Emergency Communications a Mess          April 17, 2004
NYAG                  NY Brief on Need For Spying Net Telephony        April 17, 2004

Phosgene              EPA Toxicological Review of Phosgene             April 17, 2004
SWM                   US Marines Small Wars Manual /R                  April 9, 2004
Intel FU              Pre-911 Intelligence Failures /S                 April 9, 2004
RR                    Rewriting Rwanda /S                              April 9, 2004
EU Lists              EU Terrorists Lists /T                           April 6, 2004

Eckbox                Tempest Testing: Eckbox /P                       April 5, 2004
Biz Ops               Homeland Defense Training Conference             April 3, 2004
Iraq                  Iraq on the Record /L                            April 3, 2004
Kavkaz                Battlefield Chechnya /B                          April 3, 2004
Gspy                  Google Gmail Spies on the Gullible /D            April 2, 2004

MARCH 2004

bis033004.txt         Commerce Control List NatSec Revision            March 30, 2004

niac033004.txt        National Infrastructure Advisory Panel Meet      March 30, 2004
ncpc033004.txt        National Capital Planning Commission Report      March 30, 2004
fcc032904.txt         FCC RFC on Regulations for IP-Enabled Services   March 29, 2004
fru-asylum.htm        Former FRU Agent Seeks US Asylum                 March 26, 2004
cdc032404.txt         Personal Protection Against WMDs                 March 25, 2004

nnsa032404.txt        WMD Research Opportunities                       March 25, 2004
dod032404.txt         Court Martial Manual Amendments                  March 25, 2004
offutt-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the US Strategic Command              March 24, 2004
sac032304.txt         Strategic Air Command Secret Meet                March 24, 2004
ost032304.txt         Workshop on Biosecurity                          March 24, 2004

cno032304.txt         Naval Operations Secret Meet                     March 24, 2004
911-hearing.txt       9-11 Commission Hearing                          March 23, 2004
calea-boom.htm        Dirty Business of Telecom Spying for the FBI     March 21, 2004
lea-broadtap.htm      US Law Enforcement Petition for Broader Wiretap  March 21, 2004
nypd-reno-911.htm     NYPD Spooks Ape Reno 911                         March 20, 2004

nsa031904.txt         NSA Declares FOIA Restrictions                   March 20, 2004
bis031804.txt         Export Regs/Chem Weapons Treaty Revisions        March 19, 2004
tsa031804.txt         TSA Pilot to Spy on Gullible Passengers          March 18, 2004
usa031804.txt         Army Orders Microsoft Info Insecurity            March 18, 2004
scap-tscm.htm         Scappaticci Audio Technically Analyzed           March 18, 2004

eop031604.txt         White House Spies on Itself                      March 18, 2004
epa031604.txt         EPA to Again Whitewash Aftermath of WTC          March 18, 2004
nih031504.txt         Galveston Bioterrorism Lab DEIS                  March 18, 2004
scap-clive.htm        Scappaticci and Entwhistle: Dupes                March 16, 2004
war-council.htm       The War Council - 586 US Dead                    March 15, 2004

judiciary-sys.htm     Unredacted Report on Senate Computer Snooping    March 14, 2004
mi5-fulton.htm        MI5/MoD Burgle Kevin Fulton                      March 14, 2004
scap-talks.htm        Scappaticci Talks                                March 14, 2004
stakeknife-run.htm    Stakeknife Flees IRA Death Threat                March 14, 2004
don031204.txt         Navy to Bomb Blast Latest Nuke Sub               March 13, 2004

hsac031204.txt        HomeSec Panel Meet                               March 13, 2004
ricin-patent.htm      Ricin Patent                                     March 12, 2004
ajm.htm               Information About Government Officers            March 12, 2004
hugh-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Head of MoD Special Forces        March 9, 2004
mod-panic.htm         MoD Panic Attacks Its Former FRU Secret Agents   March 9, 2004

tk-intel.htm          Kennedy Alleges Iraq Intelligence Distortions    March 9, 2004
dos030804.txt         Travel to Libya Restrictions Lifted              March 9, 2004
ispab030804.txt       Infosec/Privacy Board Meet                       March 9, 2004
uscg030804.txt        Three Mile Island Nuke Plant Security Zone       March 9, 2004
nsaodd-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing NSA Odd Station                   March 7, 2004

navbig1-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing Navy Communication Station 1      March 7, 2004
fletc-eyeball.htm     Big Eyeballing Fed Law Enforcement Training Ctr  March 7, 2004
judiciary-sys.htm     Report on Judiciary Committee Computer System    March 6, 2004
cell-drug.htm         Another Cell Phone Addict Hit                    March 6, 2004
nnsa030504.txt        Prez OKs Import of Libyan WMD Stuff              March 6, 2004

mcc030504.txt         How to Qualify for US Foreign Bribery            March 6, 2004
pitac030404.txt       Prez Info Tech Panel Meet                        March 5, 2004
cn-spy-cell.htm       China Asked to Allow US Cellphone Spying         March 4, 2004
ch-spy-chip.htm       Swiss Cellphone Chip Tracked Terrorists          March 4, 2004
doe030204.txt         RFP Energy Infrastructure Protection             March 4, 2004

treas030204.txt       RFC Technology to Combat Identity Theft          March 4, 2004
vote-code.htm         Coded Ballots May Prove Votes Are Counted        March 3, 2004
us-bugs.htm           Foreign Electronic Surveillance in the US        March 3, 2004
ntia030104.txt        Wireless Spying Technology Forum                 March 2, 2004
nnsa022704.txt        EIS for Lawrence Livermore WMD Lab               March 2, 2004

O f f s i t e 

Map Risks             Mapping Risks: Public Geospatial Information /S  March 30, 2004
GAO-04-354            Challenges of Critical Infrastructure Protection March 30, 2004
GAO-04-592T           Aviation Security: Improvement Still Needed      March 30, 2004
ID Intel              Indonesian State Intelligence Agency /K          March 29, 2004

UCAM-CL-TR-577        Eavesdropping Risks of Computer Displays /M      March 29, 2004
Ghostown              Eyeballing Chernobyl /A                          March 29, 2004
EU Panic              EU Stampedes /T                                  March 25, 2004
US Panic              Creating the Enemy /S                            March 25, 2004
GAO                   GAO: Railroad Security                           March 25, 2004

BMBL                  Laboratory Biosafety Manual                      March 24, 2004
GAO-04-578T           GAO: Transformation of the FBI                   March 23, 2004
EU Too                EU Apes US Homeland Security /T                  March 23, 2004
Trust                 Ex-FBI Telecom Spying for the FBI                March 21, 2004
EU CT                 EU Calls for New Intelligence Center /T          March 18, 2004

GAO-04-467            Technologies to Secure Federal Info Systems      March 16, 2004
Eyes Only             Eyeballing UK Secret Bases /A                    March 14, 2004
Grill MoD             Ingram: Time to End the Silence on Stakeknife    March 13, 2004
Nuke Oops             Broken Arrow Nuke Accident /P                    March 13, 2004
EP Balk               EP Says Data Protection Not Working /T           March 10, 2004

EP Bane               EP Okays Internet Snooping /W                    March 10, 2004
UK Choke              UK Scientist Choked for Climate Warning /J       March 10, 2004
JJ                    Propaganda Humor /R                              March 10, 2004
Air Spam              Aerial Advertising Terrorist Threat              March 9, 2004
WWD                   Wild Weapons of DARPA /J                         March 6, 2004

Swansong              FreeS/WAN project will be coming to an end /M    March 5, 2004
MIB                   Blackwater USA /J                                March 5, 2004
SP800-67              Recommendation for the TDEA Block Cipher         March 4, 2004
FIPS 180-2            Secure Hash Standard with Change Note            March 4, 2004
LA Eye                Eyeballing Los Angeles /G                        March 2, 2004


scappaticci.htm       Freddie Scappaticci Secret Interviews            February 27, 2004

dos022604.txt         How to Mess with China                           February 27, 2004
dos022604.htm         Spread of WMD Called Threat to WMD Threateners   February 27, 2004
dnfsb022004.txt       US WMD Facilities Threat Hearing Cancelled       February 27, 2004
nsa-savior.htm        Perry Fellwock--Savior of the World              February 26, 2004
usaid022504.htm       US Foreign Bribery White Paper                   February 26, 2004

ferc022504.txt        How to Choke Freedom of Information              February 26, 2004       DoD: Biggest NatSec Threat Is Climate (900KB)    February 25, 2004
hr3439.txt            CIA May Spook Cops                               February 25, 2004
cia022404.htm         CIA: US Threats Neverending, Hooray              Feburary 25, 2004
ftc022404.txt         FTC Hearing on Non-Gov Spyware                   February 25, 2004

dhs022304.htm         HomeSec to Enrich HomeSec Inc.                   February 25, 2004
ncs022304.txt         Secret Meet on Banking Spying                    February 25, 2004
sedan-eyeball.htm     Big Eyeballng Sedan Crater Nevada Test Site      February 21, 2004
dhs022004.txt         HomSec Hides Home Threat Information             February 21, 2004
aphis022004.txt       The Other Infected Beef Threat                   February 21, 2004

omb022004.txt         Cost of Federal Regulations Threat               February 21, 2004
ma022004.txt          NatSec Shipbuilding Pork                         February 21, 2004
mi5-sterret.htm       GI Sterret, RUC SB, Now Working with MI5         February 20, 2004
fbi021704.htm         FBI Calls Counterterrorism Top Priority          February 19, 2004
fcc021704.txt         Cognitive Radio Tech and Software Radios         February 19, 2004

dea021704.txt         Use of the Internet To Arrange Drug Sales        February 19, 2004
mi5-sloan.htm         MI5 Wants to Discredit Secret Spy Witness        February 17, 2004
nypd-upnose.htm       NYPD Upnoses CIA-Blow Terrorism                  February 16, 2004
ingram-021404.htm     Martin Ingram NYC Radio Inteview                 Feburary 16, 2004
hmg-ingram.htm        HMG Accused of Burgling Army Agent               February 14, 2004

dod-gulag.htm         DoD Architects US Political Prison               February 14, 2004
dod021204.txt         US Addicted to Homicidal Military Drugs          February 13, 2004
rptac021204.txt       Export Regulations Meet                          February 13, 2004
dvdcca021204.txt      CopyRats Abandoning DVDCCA Sinking Ship          February 13, 2004
bush-rebels.jpg       Bush Rebels of US Revolutionary War              February 12, 2004

eo13328.txt           Prez Order on WMD Intelligence Committee         February 12, 2004
dod-god.htm           DoD Says It's God, Obeying Rummy the Runt        February 11, 2004
dod-carrioneers.htm   DoD Names Top Carrioneers of 2003                February 11, 2004
osac021004.txt        Overseas Security Advisory Council Secret Meet   February 11, 2004
trac021004.txt        Threat Reduction Advisory Committee Secret Meet  February 11, 2004

bia021004.txt         Law Enforcement on Amer-Indian Lands             February 11, 2004
rspa021004.txt        Explosives Transport Regulations                 February 11, 2004
nist021004.txt        NIST Approves FIPS 199 on InfoSec                February 11, 2004
dod-mc-spy.htm        DoD Issues Military Commission Spying Docs       February 10, 2004
dsb020904.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               February 10, 2004

bis020904.txt         EAR Revisions for QRS11 Sensors                  February 10, 2004
fbi-cryptome4.htm     FBI Visit to Cryptome FOIA Request Update        February 8, 2004
sensing-sats.htm      Remote Sensing Satellites                        February 8, 2004
nsa-spy-un.htm        NSA Memo on UN Spying                            February 8, 2004
boc020504.txt         Census Privacy Files                             February 8, 2004

ilspy-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Suspected Israelis Spies in Texas     February 7, 2004
faa020604.txt         FAA Bans Prez Ranch High-Rise Threat             February 7, 2004
mcc020604.txt         State Names Countries Eligible for US Bribes     February 7, 2007
bis020604.txt         Revisions of Export Administration Regulations   February 7, 2004
dsb020504.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meet                February 7, 2004

uk-roe-iq.htm         British Rules of Engagement in Iraq              February 7, 2004
tenet-mewel.htm       Tenet Tenacious                                  February 6, 2004               NIST: Common Criteria InfoSec Assurance Levels   February 4, 2004
nist020304.txt        NIST Report on WTC Fire Disaster Probe           February 4, 2004
dsb020204.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               February 3, 2004

dod020204.txt         Prosecuting Military Civilians                   February 3, 2004
dhs020204.txt         HomeSec Business Boosting                        February 3, 2004
fcc020204.txt         Stationary/Non-Sationary Sat Intracommunications February 3, 2004
ntia020204.txt        Spectrum Management Policy for 21st Century      February 3, 2004
nrc020204.txt         Fees for Nuclear Power Plants                    February 3, 2004

blm020204.txt         Alaskan National Petroleum Reserves              February 3, 2004
dia-letter.htm        Defense Intelligence Agency FOIA Letter et al    February 1, 2004
cia-kids.htm          CIA Spawns Iraq Assassins                        February 1, 2004
hack-vote.htm         How to Hack an Election                          February 1, 2004
dhs-terror.htm        HomeSec Economic Terrorism                       February 1, 2004

O f f s i t e 

UK Pry                UK Counter-Terrorism Powers /O                   February 26, 2004
CIIP                  Critical Infrastructure Protection Handbook /E   February 25, 2004

US Threats            CIA/FBI/DIA: Threats to the US                   February 25, 2004
ARDA                  Intelligence Community Advanced Research /G      February 23, 2004
Ingram                Martin Ingram Full Radio Interview /P            February 22, 2004
Gulags                Homeland Political Prisons Ablooming /T          February 21, 2004
tohill                Suspected Irish Police Informer Saved /A         February 21, 2004

CZ Coms               Czech Halliburtons /J                            February 20, 2004
Secrets               Secrets of Infrastructure Vulnerabilities /B     February 20, 2004
Spy Ports             EU Biometric Passports /T                        February 20, 2004
MASINT                Measurement and Signals Intelligence /P          February 19, 2004
Chips                 EU Plan for GPS-Biometric Chips /T               February 19, 2004

Surge Urge            GCHQ/NSA Spy Op Wrecked Iraq Peace Move /O       February 15, 2004
IE Spy                Stakeknife: Britain’s Secret Agents in Ireland   February 14, 2004
GAO-04-330            WMD Threat: Defense Threat Reduction Agency      February 14, 2004
Unishield             Tempest Protection Coating /L                    February 13, 2004
POAA                  Paint-on Antenna Array                           February 13, 2004

Al Base               US Military Base in Algeria /J                   February 13, 2004
FIPS 199              NIST Federal InfoSec Regulation FIPS 199         February 12, 2004
Ike 10                The Eisenhower 10 COG /K                         February 9, 2004
Weed                  The Bush Files /M                                February 8, 2004
Remote                US Army Engineering Manual for Remote Sensing    February 7, 2004
The US Army remote sensing document requires Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later to open, 
otherwise a "this viewer cannot decrypt the document" message appears. Same for 
the NAVSTAR doc below.

Navstar               US Army Engineering Manual for NAVSTAR GPS       February 7, 2004
EMS 1                 EMS Guide for Homeland Security /W               February 7, 2004
EMS 2                 EMS Guide for Infrastructure Protection /W       February 7, 2004
N-Jihad               Pakistan and Dangers of Nuclear Jihad /P         February 7, 2004
Plod Spy              Spying Guide for UK Local Authorities /R         February 7, 2004

Ow                    Army Shoots Self in FAS Mad Moment /S/R          February 7, 2004
MDS                   US to Initiate Missile Defense System /L         February 7, 2004
GAO-04-408T           GAO: Combatting Terrorism: A Wasteful Mess /W    February 7, 2004
CIRC                  Canadian Intelligence Resource Centre /G         February 3, 2004
GIWG                  Global Intelligence Working Group /V             February 3, 2004


ostbig-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing CIA Office of Black Technology    January 31, 2004
rockingham3.htm       Black Operation Rockingham 3                     January 31, 2004

mcc013004.txt         Millennium Challenge Bribes Countries            January 31, 2004
dos013004.txt         State Dept Bribes Colombian Military             January 31, 2004
don013004.txt         Navy Picks Black Operations Site                 January 31, 2004
bis013004.txt         BIS Meet on Transport Exports                    January 31, 2004         TASER M26 Manual                                 January 30, 2004

ftc012904.txt         FTC RFC on E-Mail Porn                           January 29, 2004
usssbig-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing the US Secret Service Academy     January 28, 2004
terror-wins2.htm      Benefits of Terrorism 2                          January 26, 2004
jsg-doheny.htm        MOD Joint Services Group and Thomas Doheny       January 24, 2004
fbi-erf-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing FBI Engineering Research Facility     January 24, 2004

centbig-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing US Central Command Headquarters   January 24, 2004         WTC Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields        January 24, 2004         FDA and EPA MOU on Homeland Security             Janaury 24, 2004
dsb012204.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               January 24, 2003
uscg012204.txt        Coast Guard Security Zone for Port Houston, TX   January 24, 2004

garda-panic.htm       Irish Police Try to Discredit Kevin Fulton       January 22, 2004
spy-v-fcc.htm         Snoops Crybaby FCC on Net Spying                 January 22, 2004
nist012104.txt        NIST on Deployment of IPv6                       January 22, 2004
pn011604.txt          Prez: Terrorism Forever                          January 22, 2004
gun-v-state.htm       Katherine Gun v. the State                       January 19, 2004

terror-wins.htm       Benefits of Terrorism                            January 19, 2004          Data Mining for Counterterrorism/NatSec (3.2MB)  January 19, 2004
6odd-eyeball.htm      Big Eyeballing 6 Odd Facilities at Kirtland AFB  January 18, 2004
risk-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Risk Analysis Limited (UK)            January 18, 2004
fbi-cryptome4.htm     Rogue FBI/DoJ Churn Cryptome FOIA Requests       January 17, 2004

dhs011604.txt         US-VISIT Data Privacy Policy                     January 17, 2003
uscg011604.txt        Coronado Bay Bridge Security Zone                January 16, 2004
bis011604.txt         Chem Weapons Pact Data E-Submission              January 16, 2004
bates.htm             Edwin Bates Top NI Police Informant              January 16, 2004
corrigan.htm          Eoin Corrigan Is Garda Named in Corry Report     January 16, 2004

pd2004-20.txt         Prez Order on Arms for "Regional Security"       January 15, 2004
usaf011504.txt        RFI Black Operations Civilian Aircrews           January 15, 2004
nga011404.txt         National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency PA      January 15, 2004
ussc011404.txt        Sentencing Guidelines for CAN-SPAM Act           January 15, 2004
hmg-snitch.htm        HMG Coerce Lawyers to Spy                        January 14, 2004

uss-liberty.htm       Attack on USS Liberty Conference                 January 14, 2004
dos011304.txt         Kurds Designated Terrorists                      January 14, 2004
fda011304.txt         FDA Guidance on Breast Implants                  January 14, 2004
doa011204.txt         Dept of Agriculture Mad Cow Disease Regulations  January 13, 2004
dhsbig-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing the Dept of Homeland Security     January 11, 2004

sdds-guide.htm        Retrieving Images of the USGS Seamless Data Site January 10, 2004
hmx1big-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing Prez Helicopter 1 Hangar          January 10, 2004
fru-stakeknife3.htm   Another Stakeknife Handler Named                 January 10, 2004
scsbig-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing CIA-NSA Special Collection Unit   January 10, 2004
msbig-eyeball.htm     Big Eyeballing the Microsoft Corporation         January 9, 2004

gps010804.htm         US, EU Jaw GPS Pact                              January 9, 2004
af1big-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing Air Force 1 Hangar                January 7, 2004
dhs010604.htm         US Moves To Counter Threat from MANPADS          January 7, 2004
seasec.htm            Regs to Reduce Terrorist Threat to Ships/Ports   January 7, 2004
fbi-almanacs.htm      FBI: Potential Terrorist Use of Almanacs         January 6, 2004

dhs010504.txt         DHS Implements US-VISIT Restrictions             Janaury 6, 2004
fda010504.txt         FDA Revokes Spy Hair Reg, Boosts Bald Wax        January 6, 2004
usace010504.txt       US Army Retricts Access to Bangor Sub Base       January 6, 2004
uscg010504.txt        Coast Guard Security Zone for Port Hueneme, CA   January 6, 2004
dod010504.txt         DoD Secret Meet on Electronic Devices            January 6, 2004

nara010504.txt        NARA Tightens Restrictions on Information        January 6, 2004
bis010504.htm         BIS Sanctions Iran WMD Supplier                  Janaury 6, 2004
penta-eyeball.htm     Big Eyeballing the Pentagon                      January 4, 2004
nrobig-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing the NRO Headquarters              January 4, 2004
ciabig-eyeball.htm    Huge Eyeballing the CIA                          January 4, 2004

cmocbig-eyeball.htm   Big Eyeballing Cheyenne Mtn Operations Center    January 4, 2004
nrofb-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the NRO Stations at Ft Belvoir        January 3, 2004
nsabig-eyeball.htm    Huge Eyeballing the NSA                          January 3, 2003
fbibig-eyeball.htm    Big Eyeballing FBI and DoJ Headquarters          January 3, 2004         How the FBI Surveils the Net FOUO                January 1, 2004

O f f s i t e 

O Lord                Who Is Hutton?                                   January 31, 2004
Kelly                 The Hutton Report (1.9MB) /P                     January 29, 2004
SP-800-63             Recommendation for Electronic Authentication     January 29, 2004
WMD Terror            1054 US/UK Nuclear Detonations 1945-92           January 25, 2004
WTC DGEIS             WTC Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement January 24, 2004

BO                    Your Carcass to Detect Bioweapons /S             January 22, 2004
Ball                  Eyeballing Black Sunday /M                       January 22, 2004
UK Civil              UK Civil Contingencies Bill Revised /T           January 20, 2004
NW Air                Northwest Airlines Passenger Data to Gov /L      January 20, 2004
FBI Poly              Eyeballing FBI HQ Polygraph Unit /G              January 20, 2004

Info                  Safeguarding the US with Fewer Secrets /S        Janaury 16, 2004
Pugs                  America's Empire of Bases /D                     January 16, 2004
Mugs                  Faces in the News /L                             January 16, 2004
PKI                   GAO: Status of Federal Public Key Infrastructure January 15, 2004
Voodoo                Trooper Storms Witch /D                          January 10, 2004

YU Spy                YU Spook Web Site /G                             January 9, 2004
VRFW                  Virtual Radio Frequency Weapon /B                January 7, 2004
SCS                   Electronic Spy Seeks Work /S/L                   January 6, 2004
Boo                   EU Issues New Terrorist Lists /T                 January 6, 2004
FBI CGVoP             Password-Free FBI Doc on Net Surveillance /M     January 2, 2003